Newsletter December 2019

View below the December Dunedin RSA Newsletter

NEWSLETTER-Dec-2019.pdf (2MB)

Newsletter September 2018

View below the September Dunedin RSA Newsletter

NEWSLETTER-Set-2018.pdf (2MB)

Dunedin RSA Welfare Trust Scholarship 2019

Application-Scholarships.pdf (97kB)

Nomination form Dunedin RSA

Please find nomination form for the 2018
Dunedin RSA AGM

nominations-20178.pdf (307kB)

RSA Newsletter 2017

The Dunedin RSA newsletter is available below

NEWSLETTER-Dec-2017.pdf (2MB)

Dunedin Dawn Service 2017

Click on the link below to download tomorrows Anzac Day Dawn Service in Dunedin

Dunedin-RSA-2017-programme-FINAL.pdf (3.2MB)

Andersons Bay Posy Laying Service

Click on the link for the 2017 Dunedin Andersons Bay Posy Laying Service Sheet

Andersons-Bay-Cemetey-2017-FINAL-Service-Sheet.pdf (2.5MB)

Nominations for Dn RSA Executive 2017

click on the link below to download a nomination form

nominations-2017.pdf (309kB)

Newsletter December 2016

NEWSLETTER-December-2016.pdf (3.5MB)

Armistice Day Service 11th November 2016

Click on the link below to download the service sheet for the Dunedin RSA Armistice Day service held at the Queens Gardens on Friday 11th November 2016 at 10.45

2016-Armistice-Day-service-sheet.pdf (414kB)

Newsletter August 2016

Please find attached a copy of the August RSA Newsletter

NEWSLETTER-August2016.pdf (2.7MB)

Dunedin RSA Dawn Service 2016

Click on the links below to view map of the Queens Gardens for this years Anzac Day Dawn Service

Dawn-Service-2016.pdf (3.6MB) Map-Queens-Gardens.pdf (260kB)

Dunedin Anzac Day Dawn Service 2015

ANZAC Day Dawn Service

Dawn-Service-Programme.pdf (2.9MB) Dunedin-Anzac-Andersons-Bay-Cemetery.pdf (1MB)

Names of the 146 Otago soliders who lost there lives at Chunuk Bair 100 years ago

Otago-Chunuk-Bair-list.pdf (226kB)

Newsletter August 2015

Please find attached the latest RSA newsletter, we also have a survey for you to complete your thoughts are valuable so please try and complete our Survey.

AUGUST-2015-newsletter.pdf (2MB) Survey.pdf (187kB)

Armistice Day 11th November 2015 Dunedin

Join us at 10.45 on the 11th November at the Cenotaph at the Queens Gardens in Dunedin for the 2015 Armistice Day Service.
All Welcome.

2015-Remembrance-Service-Sheet.pdf (333kB)

Newsletter November 2015

Link on the links below to access the RSA November Newsletter

newsletter-Nov.pdf (2.7MB) RSA-Club-card-insert.pdf (706kB)

RSA Xmas morning tea

On the 3rd December the RSA Assn & Welfare Trust held a morning tea at HMNZS TOROA. Major Cath Perriman was presented with a certificate of Appreciation and a Least We Forget Rose. Attending also were Mitchel McCutcheon & Andrew Haren RSA Welfare Trust scholarship recipients. Pictured: from left Major Cath Perriman, Paul Galloway (Trust Chairman) Lox Kellas (President) Andrew Haren & Mitchell McCutcheon.

Newsletter 2014

The December Newsletter is now on the website .

December-2014.pdf (3.1MB)

Nominations for Dn RSA Executive 2015

Nominations forms for Dunedin RSA Executive 2015

nominations-2015.pdf (224kB)

Newsletter April 2015

April Newsletter 2015 including Anzac Day activities

April-Newsletter-2015.pdf (754kB)

Remembrance Sunday

A Service of Thanksgiving and Rededication for
Sunday, 10th November 2013 at 12:00 pm

2013-11-10-Remembrance-Sunday.pdf (658kB)

Veterans’ Support Bill RNZRSA’s final submission

RNZRSA, led by RSA Life Member Robin Klitscher, has made the following submission on the Veterans’ Support Bill to the Social Services Select Committee. The next step will be for Robin and RSA National President Don McIver to make an oral representation to the Select Committee.

Once the Bill has been through the Select Committee hearing stage it will be returned to the full Parliament along with any amendments that the Committee has made for full discussion and eventual passing for royal assent and enactment. We'll keep you updated throughout the process as it happens.

RNZRSA-Submission.pdf (421kB)

December Newsletter 2013

Read the Lastest news and updates from the Dunedin RSA & Welfare Trust

newsltter.pdf (8.7MB)

Nominations for Dn RSA Executive 2014

Dunedin Returned and Services’ Association (Inc)
Annual General Meeting
Friday 28th March at 5.30pm

Members are advised the Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday 28th March at 5.30pm. Venue: Garrison Club, Kensington Army Hall, 24 Bridgman St South Dunedin

Nominations are called for the following positions:
Senior Vice President
Junior Vice President
Honorary Treasurer
Honorary Secretary
Six (6) Executive Committee Members

Nomination forms can be downloaded from the Dunedin RSA website: , by email or from the Secretary ph. 034664886.

Signed nominations with an attached CV. must be in the hands of the Secretary on or before 3. p.m. Thursday 6th March 2014 Written and signed notices of remits and items of general business for the AGM, must be in the hands of the Secretary on or before 3. p.m. Thursday 6th March 2014

nominations-2014.pdf (221kB)

Dawn Service 2014 Programme

Download the 2014 Dawn Parade & Andersons Bay Posy laying programmes

Dawn-Parade-2014-print.pdf (1.7MB) Posy-Laying-Ceremony-2014-Updated.pdf (633kB)

Annual General Meeting 2014

The Dunedin Returned and Services Association (Inc).
98th Annual General Meeting was held on the 28th March 2014 at 5.30pm in The Garrison Club, Kensington Army Hall

Attachments are below for the Annual accounts of the Association and the Welfare Trust and also the minutes of the meeting

Sally Turner
Administration Manager

2014-minutes.pdf (239kB) assoc.pdf (366kB) welfare.pdf (338kB)

Centenary of World War 1 Commemoration of Embarkation Dunedin September 2014

Sunday 28 September 2014

Memorial Run.

At 9.30 am there will be a Memorial Run from Tahuna Park where the troops camped and trained to the Oval. Schools, sports clubs, any community organisation, workplace teams, corporate groups, the University and Polytechnics from throughout Otago and Southland are all welcome to participate in this Memorial Run. Participating groups are encouraged to wear their school colours, their sporting strips or uniforms and to run as a group. Behind the runners will be the cyclists. Participants may chose to ride their bike instead of running. This is to commemorate the New Zealand Cyclist Corps which was established in 1916.

Memorial Parade

At 11 am a parade will depart from the oval to the Railway Station via the Octagon and down Lower Stuart Street. The parade will be lead by a brass bands followed by a Defence Force Contingent. The parade will include horse drawn and vintage vehicles of the time, marchers in historical period dress, pipe bands, veterans, descendants of service personnel and the general public who wish to participate.

Railway Station Reception

When the parade arrives at the Railway Station there will be a formal reception reminiscent of the farewells that took place there for the various contingents that subsequently departed for overseas.

Edwardian Market

A market will be located in the area between Toitu Otago Settlers Museum and the glassed in train. This will be an Edwardian market with a focus on antiques, collectibles and arts and crafts with a WWI or Edwardian period theme. There will also be a variety of food stalls included in the market.


Period entertainment will be staged on the reception area in front of the Railway Station. There will also be street entertainment on the precinct between the Railway Station and Toitu Otago Settlers Museum which will include a puppet theatre, a magician, musicians and street theatre.

Toitu Otago Settlers Museum

The museum will feature a series of activities centred around the WW100 Exhibition to include public presentations by leading historians.

WWW100-Info-Sheet-on-Memorial-Run.pdf (177kB) WW100-Map-of-Run.pdf (322kB)

150 Years of Artillery In Auckland

The Alpha Battery 150th Anniversary Committee calls All Gunners

SC284E0504-14081411130.pdf (120kB)

Dunedin RSA August Update 2014

Some up dates from the Dunedin RSA.

newsletter-august.pdf (550kB)

Armistice Day 11th November 2013

Click here to down load the service sheet for the Dunedin Armistice Day Service at the Queens Gardens

Armistice-Day-2013-printed.pdf (233kB)

Queens Gardens Map Dawn Service 2013

The Alpha Battery 150th Anniversary Committee calls All Gunners

Map-Queens-Gardens.pdf (190kB)


Some up dates from the Dunedin RSA.

2013-Community-Services.pdf (261kB)

Newsletter August 2013

Latest news and updates from the Dunedin RSA and the Dunedin RSA Welfare Trust

Armistice-Day-2013-printed.pdf (233kB)

Andersons Bay Posy
Laying 2013

Andersons Bay Posy laying 9.30 am

Sally Turner
Administration Manager
Dunedin RSA Welfare Trust & Dunedin Returned & Services Assn
P.O. Box 4008
St Kilda
Ph- 03 4664 886

Andy-Bay-Posy-Laying-2013.pdf (81kB)

Annual Accounts- Dunedin RSA & Dunedin RSA Welfare Trust

Some up dates from the Dunedin RSA.

Assn-2012.pdf (371kB) WT2012.pdf (330kB)

Dawn Service 2013 Programme

Please find attached the Dawn Service programme for Anzac day on Thursday

Dunedin RSA
ANZAC-DAY-DAWN-PARADE-2013.pdf (485kB)


RETURNED-Service-Membership.pdf (144kB)

Dunedin City Council Consumer Electricity Fund

In 1998 the Dunedin City Council Consumer Electricity Fund was set up in liaison with agencies providing budget advice services. The fund is to help people living within the DCC rateable area with a grant towards an electricity account. There are certain conditions that apply before a grant can be approved.

Application is by appointment only and dependent on eligibility. To qualify for this fund, you will need to see a budget advisor at one of the following agencies for a budget assessment:

  • Anglican Family Care
  • Presbyterian Support Services
  • Salvation Army Service
  • Budget Advisory Service
  • Catholic Social Services
Consumer-Elec-fund.pdf (412kB)

Armistice Day 11th November 2012

Armistice-Day-2012-printed.pdf (324kB)

Newsletter December 2012

Newsletter-December-2012.pdf (5.3MB)

Dunedin RSA Welfare Trust March UpDate

View the latest news on line.

welfare-update-march-2012.pdf (1MB)

Queenstown RSA Newsletter

Queenstown RSA lastest Newsletter

RSA-Newsletter-Aug-11.pdf (604kB)

Journey of Remembrance 2011

D Geddes trip to Europe in winter 2011

Europe-2011-the-McKenzie-boys.pdf (61kB)

Armistice Day Video

Octagon Firing of the Canon

Newsletter- December 2011

The December 2011 newsletter to members from the Dunedin RS& and The Dunedin RSA Welfare Trust.

RSA-Newsletter-December-print.pdf (3.1MB)

Executive Nominations 2012

nominations-2012.pdf (111kB)


medalmapplicationform-mainsections.pdf (854kB)


part2.pdf (265kB)


part3.pdf (227kB)

RSA Winter Newsletter

RSA Newsletter