Membership InformationHome/MembershipAssociate Membership Form "*" indicates required fields Name* First Email* Address Street Address Phone*Occupation*Date of birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Declaration* I hereby apply for membership of the Dunedin Returned and Services’ Association and certify that the information given herein is correct. I undertake to abide by the Constitution and Rules of the RSA. I have never been expelled or rejected from membership of any other branch of the Returned and Services’ Association organisation. Returned Service Membership Form "*" indicates required fields Name* First Email* Address Street Address Phone*Occupation*Date of birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Marital Status* Single Married Spouse / Partner’s Name*Branch*Service Number*ServiceNavyArmyAir ForceOtherUnit(s)*Length of service*Rank*Theatres of Service and Dates*Medals and Awards*Any other Relevant Service Information*Are you receiving any financial assistance from War Pension Services?YesNoWould you like the RSA Welfare Officer to contact you?YesNoDeclaration* I hereby apply for membership of the Dunedin Returned and Services’ Association and certify that the information given herein is correct. I undertake to abide by the Constitution and Rules of the RSA. I have never been expelled or rejected from membership of any other branch of the Returned and Services’ Association organisation.