Nomination for Associate Membership Form

Name Darwin
Address mintal davao city, Suite number, intersection, plaza, square
Home 123
Mobile 123
Occupation carpenter
Date of Birth December 19,
19 1985

Declaration: I hereby apply for membership of the Dunedin Returned and Services’ Association and certify that the information given herein is correct. I undertake to abide by the Constitution and Rules of the RSA. I have never been expelled or rejected from membership of any other branch of the Returned and Services’ Association organisation.

Proposition:We, the undersigned, being financial members of the Dunedin Returned and Services’ Association, hereby nominate the above named applicant for membership of the association. We believe this person to be a fit and proper person, of good character, and possessing the necessary qualifications for membership.

Proposer: How long have you known the applicant? __________________ years

Proposed by: ____________________ Signed:________________ Date: ________________

Seconder: How long have you known the applicant? __________________ years

Seconded by: ____________________ Signed:________________ Date: ________________