Nomination for Associate Membership Form
Name: John William Middlemiss
Address: 34 Allandale Road, St Clair, Dunedin 9012
Home: 034561622
Mobile: 0212388372
Occupation: Retired
Date of Birth: Array Array, Array Array
Marital Status: Array
Spouse / Partner’s Name: Wendy Jean Middlemiss
Branch: National Service
Declaration: I hereby apply for membership of the Dunedin Returned and Services’ Association
and certify that the information given herein is correct. I undertake to abide by the Constitution
and Rules of the RSA. I have never been expelled or rejected from membership of any other
branch of the Returned and Services’ Association organisation.
Proposition:We, the undersigned, being financial members of the Dunedin Returned and
Services’ Association, hereby nominate the above named Returned Serviceman/Servicewoman
for membership of the association. We believe this person to be a fit and proper person,
possessing the necessary qualifications for membership.
Proposer: How long have you known the applicant? __________________ years
Proposed by: ____________________ Signed:________________ Date: ________________
Seconder: How long have you known the applicant? __________________ years
Seconded by: ____________________ Signed:________________ Date: ________________
RSA Returned / Service Application
Service Number: 979308
Service: Array
Units: Artillery
Length of Services: 2×7 weeks Burnham, Waiouru, then 3x 3weeks in Waiouru and Hamilton area
Rank: Gunner
Theatres of Service and Dates: NZ
Medals and Awards: NZDSM
Any other Relevant Services Information none Are you receiving any financial assistance from War Pension Services? Array
Would you like the RSA Welfare Officer to contact you? Array
Committe use only
Date application received: __________________________
Committee Members to Initial: 1.) ______________ 2.) ______________
Accepted/Declined Accepted/Declined
(delete as applicable) (delete as applicable)
Committe use only
Letter sent date:________________
Amount due: ______________ Amount Payed: ______________ Date: _______________
Card Number: _______________________ Card and Badge sent date: _______________ (if applicable)
Copy to Welfare Officer date _______________ (all successful applications)
Application complete – Secretary signature ____________ Date ____________
Please return to P.O Box 4008, St Kilda, Dunedin